YNS Programme

All meetings take place at 7.00pm on the third Monday of the month via Zoom, unless otherwise stated.   
 Friday 17 January (12pm)

Informal meeting:

The York Coin and Stamp Fair,

The Grandstand, York Racecourse

Monday 17 February

Lindsay Hardcastle (President)

Decoding ‘Cunnetti’ and the regal coinage of Viking York

Monday 17 March

Bradley Hopper (Noonans)

Provenance, authenticity and new discoveries in numismatics

Monday 14 April

 Rebecca Darley

The Coinage of the Kushan Empire

Monday 19 May

Alex Bliss

Elagabalus: a life and reign through coins

Monday 16 June

James Simpson

(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

The provision of coin in a rapidly developing economy: England, 1500-1800

Friday 11 July (time tbc)

Summer Visit:

The University of Leeds Coin Collection with Assistant Curator Lucy Moore,

Brotherton Library, University of Leeds

Monday 15 September

Members’ Short Presentations

Monday 20 October

Cameron Maclean 

(University of Glasgow)

Highlights from the collection of English coins at The Hunterian

Monday 17 November

Annual General Meeting

to be followed by:

David Hoyle (Vice President)

The Provincial Mints of Charles I

If you would like to contact us or join the YNS for a meeting please e mail yorkshirenumismaticsociety@gmail.com