Carausius, Allectus and the First Brexit
Featuring the Frome Hoard
By Sam Moorhead
Monday 13th of September 2021
Via Zoom
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In recent years, the ‘British’ emperors Carausius (c. AD 286-93) and
Allectus (c. AD 293-6) have gained much publicity. This began in 2010
with the discovery of The Frome Hoard of 52,503 Roman coins, the
largest cache of Roman coins ever found in Britain in a single pot. The
coins have been saved for the Museum of Somerset at Taunton and should
be published by the British Museum in the next two years. Because the
hoard contains around 850 coins of Carausius, it enables us to carry out
a major re-appraisal of the reign of Britain’s ‘forgotten emperor’,
whose history can be told through some fine examples of medallic art
that even include references to Virgil. More recently, Carausius and his
‘henchman’ Allectus have come into sharper focus as a result of
'Brexit' and this talk will outline the nature of the 'Breakaway
British Empire' under Carausius and Allectus, how it began, how it
faired and how it ended.
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