CONSTANTINE – AD 296 – 325
By Lee Toone
On: Friday 15th January 2016 at 2pm
Venue: The York Coin Fair, The Grandstand, York Racecourse, Tadcaster Rd, York, North Yorkshire YO23 1EX
After Constantius regained Britain from Allectus
in AD 296, the London mint set up by Carausius and continued by
Allectus was incorporated into the Roman Empire’s network of
Imperial mints and continued to produce official Roman coinage in
Britain throughout the next three decades. Both Constantius and
Constantine used Britain and the London mint as a key part of their
power base as they rose through the ranks of Tetrarchic Rome.
This talk gives a historical survey of the period
using the coin types produced at the London mint as evidence. During
this period the coinage changed dramatically and many different types
were produced. It is based on a new book,‘The
London Mint of Constantius and Constantine’ by
Hugh Cloke and Lee Toone and published by Spink. This book is a
comprehensive catalogue and survey of the output of the London mint
from AD 296 to 325. From when Constantius invaded Britain to regain
the Britannic Empire back from Allectus to its closure in 325 when
Constantine began to shift his power base to the East, the London
mint was responsible for a vast output of Roman coinage. The
Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC,
volumes VI and VII)) records around 600 types; the authors of this
book have increased the number of known types to 1,037 and have
illustrated 90% of these with images on plates facing the catalogue
tables in sylloge style. They have also provided a hoard census which
lists numbers for each type found in four major hoards. This enables
an objective rarity value to be assigned to each coin type. Supported
with a comprehensive narrative, indices and a concordance with RIC,
this will become the standard reference work on the London mint for
years to come.

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