Andy Woods - Interpreting the silver finds from the Viking winter-camp at Torksey.

Friday 16th January 2015 at 4pm – York Coin Fair, The Grandstand, The Racecourse, YORK - YO23 1EX 
Andy Woods - Interpreting the silver finds from the Viking winter-camp at Torksey.

Andy will describe exciting recent finds in which he is currently involved.

The 'Great Army' of the vikings arrived in England in 865AD, campaigning across most of the country. They had a transformational effect as they ultimately settled across much of the north and east of England, creating an area which has come to be known as the Danelaw. Recent archaeological work at Torksey in Lincolnshire ( has traced the location of one of the army's wintercamps, a base of operations for campaigning for 872/3 AD. This talk will consider the silver finds from the camp, discussing what the various types of coinage and hacksilver can tell us about life in a viking army camp.

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